Let's Normalize Big Emotions

What I am about to say, I am saying to myself as much as you because I am on this parenting journey alongside you!

Want to learn how to Stop the cycle of disruption when your kid is overreacting.  

First, start noticing more when you are overreacting.

Normalize that everyone has big feelings sometimes.

Life happens!  

You react to what’s happening around you.  Sometimes your reactions are bigger than what they seem they should be.  And so the same is true for your kids.  

Sometimes your tolerance level is small or non-existent. This may look like snapping at people, yelling at people, avoiding people, exploding, having a temper tantrum or meltdown. Guess what?!  Your kid’s tolerance level is smaller at times too.  

You cannot stop life from happening around you or around your kids.

But you can begin to pay attention to your reactions and listen to what your body is telling you; and by doing this, you can teach your children to do the same.  It’s when you start paying attention to the signs leading up to and through the dysregulation that you can begin changing those patterns and maintaining a connection instead of rupturing your relationships.  

And when you overreact, normalize owning it and apologizing to your loved ones.  That’s when you begin to give permission to having big feelings and being human while repairing any damage caused.  

Want to see a video of me talking about this? Click this link to subscribe to my Becoming a Connected Parent Newsletter and watch the video.

Email me at dayna@daynasykeslpc.com to connect.



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