Happy Valentine's Day!

It’s Valentine’s Day!  For many this day gets blown way out of proportion and you set really high expectations for your spouse.  You may end up making it a day of frustration and resentment.

Vow to make this day about love and appreciation.  Sure, receiving a dozen roses is nice, but that $100 plus could be better spent right?  Think about the small things you can do for each other to show appreciation.

If you tend to feel frustrated when you see others bragging about their gifts, then take a day off from social media.  There’s nothing worse than agreeing to spend time together and harboring jealousy and resentment because you feel like you aren’t loved because your husband didn’t surprise you with flowers, chocolates, and a massage while you were at work.  Keep in mind that over the top gift giving does not equal a good marriage.  For some couples, Valentine's Day is the only day they show love.  How sad...

Remember that every day is a day to show your love to your spouse.  Valentine’s Day is a day to rekindle your love for one another.

A few simple gifts to avoid the pressure of perfection:

-Make your spouse’s favorite dinner.

-Leave sticky notes around the house for them thanking them for things they bring to the family.

-Put the kids to bed early and spend time watching a movie or your favorite series.

-Sit together on the couch and talk.

-Make a special dessert.

-Write a note highlighting the many reasons you love them.

-Create a playlist of songs you both love and listen to it together.

-Do something on their to-do list for them.

-Give your spouse some alone time (without interruption).

-Draw a bubble bath for your spouse and offer a drink and soft music.

-Go to bed at the same time and spend time talking and connecting.

-Send romantic texts throughout the day letting them know you are thinking about them.

Think about the things that make your spouse feel loved and do something for them that you know will leave them feeling loved and appreciated.  It’s not about expensive and outrageous gift giving.  It’s about your relationship with one another.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


I'm a Failure


Tis the Season to be Jolly, Joyful, and to ROCK MidTerms!!!!